Then you may have chronic fatigue symptoms. What are the most common symptoms and what are the different types of fatigue? Let’s dive in. 

Do You Actually Have Chronic Fatigue? 

Widespread pain is often a symptom of something else, so it’s not uncommon to be told you have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome when you don’t. This is because the most common cause of widespread pain is fibromyalgia, and both conditions are thought to be related. While there are many different types of pain, all these symptoms fall into two categories:

Pain that does not improve with rest Pain that does not improve with medication

Remember to check and ask for a second opinion with a different doctor if you are not feeling at your optimal health but you come to doubt you have chronic fatigue. 

Post-exertional Malaise (PEM)

Post-exertional malaise, also known as PEM, is a common symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome. It causes your body to feel exhausted after normal physical activity that would not normally cause such tiredness. This can lead to problems with concentration and memory. It can also lead to a feeling of being slowed down mentally or physically.

Unrefreshing Sleep

Unrefreshing sleep or increasing fatigue can be a sign of chronic fatigue, but also of poor mental and physical health. It’s important to note that not all people with CFS experience this symptom. If you do have unrefreshing sleep, it may be due to a number of factors:

Sleep Deprivation

This is the most common cause of an unrefreshing night’s slumber and one that can easily be remedied by getting more rest.


If you have worries about work and other responsibilities this can cause anxiety which affects your sleep. While many people with CFS never experience anxiety-related sleep issues, those who do may find themselves waking up frequently through the night and not feeling well when they do finally fall asleep. These feelings can interfere with healthy functioning throughout the day as well as during exercise routines such as yoga or meditation practice—which can actually exacerbate stress levels over time!

Medication Side Effects

Side effects that affect patients’ health and wellbeing are potentially caused by antidepressants or other drugs meant for treating depression symptoms (or even just some common cold medications). Some medications—such as those used for migraines—can cause drowsiness which could affect how well you sleep at night; however, if you are experiencing these side effects then talk with your doctor immediately. These types should not last more than twenty minutes after taking them orally.

Cognitive Difficulty

Another common symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is cognitive difficulty. This means that you may have trouble concentrating, short-term memory, decision-making, problem-solving, multitasking, and learning new information. The word “cognitive” refers to thinking processes like attention and memory. Many people with ME/CFS report that they have difficulty with their concentration levels as well as short-term memory loss (sometimes called “fibro fog”).

Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

Chronic fatigue symptoms are easily mistaken for something else so it’s important you get solid medical advice. However, symptoms range from cognitive difficulty, sleep deprivation, and post-exertional malaise. For more be sure to check out the rest of our site.

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