Invisalign is more than trays for your teeth, it is a technique. Going with a provider with poor experience can be very costly and won’t give you the results you desire. We’ve done the hard work for you and provided a guide to choosing the best Invisalign provider. 

Consider Invisalign Provider Types

Invisalign providers are classified into three tiers: preferred, premier, and premier elite. These classifications are made by the number of cases each provider completes each year — or how much experience they have. Preferred Invisalign Provider: Treats at least 10 cases a year  Premier Invisalign Provider: Treats at least 50 cases a year Premier Elite Invisalign Provider: Treats at least 300 cases a year  The higher up in the tier the provider is, the more qualified they are and the better chances you will have a successful treatment. When researching providers, don’t be afraid to ask how many cases they’ve completed.

Ask to See Before and After Pictures

Every provider has before and after pictures, but pay close attention to cases similar to yours. For instance, if you have an underbite, look for pictures of overbite improvement. Doing this will help you decide whether that provider will help you achieve the smile you want.

Look at Online Reviews

When choosing an Invisalign provider online reviews are crucial to the decision-making process. While not every single review won’t be positive but look for a general consensus. If the provider has a high number of negative reviews, then this is a sign that you should look elsewhere.  It’s worth mentioning that you should be aware of fake positive reviews. Yes, that’s a thing. Therefore, practice discernment and decipher whether reviews are honest or fake.

Weigh the Payment Options

Invisalign is a huge investment. That’s why it’s important to consider your options for payment. Although the cost of treatment will generally the same between providers, the one difference is their financing plans. While most insurance will cover the cost of part of your Invisalign treatment, you will need to take care of out-of-pocket expenses. Therefore, ask providers about their financing options. Here are some questions to consider:

Does the provider have an in-house payment plan? Does the provider accept credit card options like CareCredit? Do you need to pass a credit check? Is no-interest financing available?

If you’re having trouble financing your new smile, consider taking out a personal loan — if you can afford it. Or you can set up a high-interest savings account and save each month until you have enough to cover your Invisalign treatment.

A Beautiful Smile Is Within Your Reach

As you can see, there is so much that goes into choosing the best Invisalign provider. It’s important to go with a provider you feel comfortable with. Taking the time and doing research will result in a beautiful smile and great experience. Don’t forget to bookmark this post for future reference!

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