As an insurance broker, you know that your job (or business if you own a brokerage) cannot thrive without clients. If you aren’t getting people to buy insurance policies from various insurers, you aren’t making money.  To make matters worse, competition in the industry is fierce. With over 400,000 insurance brokerages and thousands of independent brokers in the market, standing out from the crowd is a tough ask. It’s not all doom and gloom, though. There are lots of successful brokers and nothing stops you from being like them. You just need to master the craft of lead generation. In this article, we’re giving effective tips for ensuring you have a steady stream of clients knocking on your door. Keep reading to find out what they are. 

Provide Excellent Services

Providing quality services to your existing clients is an effective (and indirect) way to generate leads without spending a dime on marketing and advertising. Look at it this way. A prospective client comes to your office or lands on your website. They want to purchase health insurance. From the time of the first contact, you offer speedy services, ensuring the client has all the necessary information and is satisfied at every step of the way.   The client purchases the policy and leaves satisfied. Assuming this client meets up with a friend or relative who’s looking to purchase a similar policy, don’t you think they will refer them to you? Just because you provided excellent services to one client, you have gained another – free of charge. With time, you’ll find that you’re getting more referrals from your existing clients. But how do you ensure you’re providing top-notch services? It’s all about understanding your target clients and their needs. Don’t keep them waiting when they visit or contact your offices. If you own a brokerage, ensure your front-office workers are well-trained on customer service delivery.

Run a Referral Program

Speaking of referrals, you don’t have to wait for a happy client to naturally recommend your brokerage to their friends. You can incentivize them to do so. Just run a referral program. You needn’t offer a lot. Offering a movie ticket or a gift card to every customer who sends a referral your way, for instance, can go a long way in incentivizing existing clients to spread the word.

Ensure Your Website Is a Lead Generation Machine

At least 50 percent of insurance shoppers in the United States are open to purchasing insurance online. What does this tell you? If your brokerage doesn’t have a strong online presence, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table. And here’s the thing. Shoppers don’t have to buy insurance through an insurance broker. They can simply head over to an insurance company’s website and purchase insurance directly. Therefore, you need to ensure your business website is ranking better than that of not just other brokerages, but also insurance companies. So, how do you build a website that’s a lead generation machine? There’s a lot that goes into building an effective business website, but it primarily needs to be friendly to both search engines and users. Ensure it loads within a few seconds and that the navigation is fluid and intuitive. If this sounds too technical, it’s because it is. Don’t attempt to build your business website if you don’t have sufficient expertise. Hire an expert to do the job for you.

Scale Online Lead Generation Through Blogging

On its own, a professionally built insurance brokerage website will do a decent lead generation and conversion job. However, if you want to scale your lead generation efforts, start blogging. To understand how blogging is good for lead generation, you need to know how the modern consumer shops for insurance. Take a consumer, A. A heard some colleagues talking about life insurance. Eager to learn more, she goes online and starts searching what life insurance is, how it works, and whatnot.   Assuming you had a blog that covers all those bases, there’s a good chance she’d come across it on search engine results. And depending on the call to actions you’ve deployed on the blog, A could possibly end up inquiring about life insurance policies from your brokerage. What’s more, a blog doesn’t just boost your lead generation efforts. It’s also an ideal platform to establish yourself as an industry authority.

Don’t Ignore Social Media

An insurance brokerage might not be the kind of business that’s built for social media, but that doesn’t mean you ignore it. Sure, you won’t be able to produce captivating social content like say, a travel agency, but with millions of people actively using various social platforms, you can acquire a good number of leads. Identify social platforms that will enable you to reach your target client. If you’re going after employers who might be interested in buying group insurance policies for their workers, for example, focus on LinkedIn, not Facebook or Instagram. Also, be aware that you don’t have to rely solely on organic lead generation. Social platforms allow you to run target ads, which can help you to generate more leads quickly.

Buy Qualified Leads

Is lead generation starting to sound like a full-time job? To be frank, it is. Yet, your full-time job isn’t to generate leads. It’s to link insurance buyers with insurance companies. Why don’t you leave lead generation to people who actually do it full-time? That’s right. Instead of trying to balance between generating leads and doing your job, you can buy qualified leads from specialized lead generation companies. For instance, if you’re looking for people interested in Medicare, here’s how you can get the best Medicare supplement leads without lifting a finger.

Get More Insurance Leads, Grow Your Brokerage

Getting more insurance leads is the only way to grow your brokerage. But with the strong competition in the industry, it’s easy to give up when the going gets tough. Don’t. With this guide, you now have the information you need to supercharge your lead generation efforts and boost your income. Keep reading our blog for more insightful business and lifestyle tips.

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