Read on to learn more.


The first thing to take into account when planning entertainment for a wedding is your budget. It is important to be aware of how much you’re ok with spending before you blow through your budget. There are going to be different factors that will affect wedding entertainment, including the day of the week, performance length, and sometimes location.   Make sure to have a clear budget in mind so that when you start looking around, you can choose entertainment that won’t break the bank. 

Number of Guests

The reason you need to be aware of the number of people attending your wedding is that the equipment needed to perform for 10 people is very different from what is needed for 100 or 1,000 people. For example, a wedding jazz band will adjust the number of performers they will need at your event based on the number of guests you will have. 


Another thing to keep in mind when deciding on your wedding band or entertainment is where your reception will be. If your wedding venue is a small room for an intimate party, there is no need to hire a 20-piece wedding band because it might be a bit too much.  Your wedding venue esthetic will also make a difference. If you have an elegant venue then a professional band will be fitting vs brightly colored stilt walkers as your entertainment. 

Listen to a Potential Band 

Before you say yes to a band and commit to pay them, take the time to listen to them first. Ask if you can either watch a previous wedding they have on video or if you can go see them perform live. It is important that you know what they sound like live.  Seeing and hearing them perform live will ensure that you are happy with the chemistry that the band has when they play together. 

Questions to Ask

When you are evaluating the band or performers, ask them if they have an extensive library of arrangements. You want to make sure that they will play a wide variety of music to make everyone happy. Also, ask if the vocalists memorize the lyrics. It’s important for them to know the lyrics so that they are not standing there reading lyrics while singing. This will make it almost impossible to connect with the guests and give a genuine performance because they are too busy reading. 

Ready to Choose Wedding Entertainment for Your Big Day?

Now that you have our top tips on choosing wedding entertainment for your memorable day, we hope you are feeling more confident about making a decision. This is your wedding day and trust us, your entertainment can make or break it. Found our blog post helpful? Please continue browsing this section for more wedding day ideas. 

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