There are 12 different signs of the zodiac, also known as astrological signs. Your sign is determined by your day and month of birth. People within each star sign are often said to have different personal qualities and personality traits. Whether you believe in horoscopes or not, using a career horoscope could help you to discover the positive traits of your star sign and assist you in choosing your future career path. If you were born between December 22nd and January 19th, read on to find out about Capricorn career ideas. Nicknamed ‘the achiever’, Capricorns are often considered to be the most career-minded of all the zodiac signs. Here are some of the personality traits that are typically associated with Capricorns:

Organized, routine-driven, consistent, enjoys completing tasks, reliable, diligent, determined Ambitious, strives for perfection, sets high standards for self and others, enjoys being able to buy desirable material possessions Keen to improve the lives of other people Honest Patient, tends to consider all available facts before taking action, wants to work towards the most positive potential outcome (not always the fastest) Strong work ethic, committed, loyal, dedicated, enjoys caring for people close to them Skilled multi-tasker Enjoys corporate working environments Driven by logic rather than emotion Considers advice if it is received from trusted and respected peers

What Are Capricorns Like at Work?

Capricorns’ desire for routine and consistency is likely to mean they are attracted to a career path that follows a logical and clearly specified route. Their ambition will allow them to achieve their career goals in a sensible order, satisfying their need for completing one level of responsibility before moving on to the next. All of this means that Capricorns will probably look for a ‘career for life’ or job role that will see them through until retirement age. In doing so, they will likely use their determination to climb to roles that achieve a high salary, allowing them the security of a steady income to invest in the material possessions they desire. Many Capricorns possess excellent leadership qualities, making them ideal for management roles. They set high standards for themselves and others, meaning they will strive to ensure their team performs well once they achieve management status. Capricorns tend to be dedicated to producing high-quality work, achieving results and meeting targets. A Capricorn’s desire to produce high-quality work can sometimes mean that they perform tasks more slowly than other people. This can cause annoyance within a team when others don’t think that they are pulling their weight. For Capricorns, this can be a double-edged sword, because they often worry about what their colleagues think about them, and want to be seen as being indispensable and valuable. Capricorns are likely to be well suited to routine-driven workplaces such as hospitals, offices and warehouses. They will quickly become disheartened about working in a dysfunctional environment. They can find it hard to deviate away from original plans or structured procedures. As a result of their shyness and often changeable personality, Capricorns sometimes come across as being self-centered, moody or just difficult to get to know. Their interpersonal skills are not always good, so they might find it difficult to relate to their colleagues. When things are not going their way, Capricorns can sometimes be too hard on themselves – their determination means that they don’t want to be perceived as being just ‘good enough’ and they certainly don’t ever want to be outdone by others.

10 Best Career Matches for a Capricorn

1. High School or College Teacher

A Capricorn’s patient nature is sure to see them excel in a teaching or tutoring role. Their organizational skills will enable them to plan lessons, keep track of class progress and effectively co-ordinate large groups of students. Their desire to help other people to improve will enable them to deliver learning in a way that will inspire students. One thing to bear in mind is that they might not be so well suited to teaching young children who can often be chaotic, which Capricorns might find difficult to manage due to their need for routine. Capricorns love to learn, so they are well suited to a career path that allows them to inspire others to understand new ideas.

2. Nurse

Capricorns’ need for discipline and routine will see them happily working within a strict nursing routine that includes clear patient care timescales and daily routines. They are goal-oriented, so they will be driven to ensure everything is ticked off their to-do list before they take a break or finish their shift. Their need to be organized will help them to handover effectively to the next nurse coming onto shift. They have strong morals, so they won’t be tempted to take any shortcuts that could compromise patient care. One thing to bear in mind is that Capricorns are well known for being dedicated to working hard – so they could quickly find themselves susceptible to burnout and fatigue. Ultimately, they are likely to be well suited to a nursing management role and will enjoy climbing the ranks to get there.

3. Scientist

Capricorns are renowned for being great problem-solvers, plus they have great organizational skills and a hard-working, persistent approach. This means that any job within the sciences is likely to be a good match for them. Capricorns will enjoy working in laboratories as they tend to be neat and tidy workspaces with well-established working procedures. The need for attention to detail in science-based roles means Capricorns will always work hard to confirm the results of their experiments and research. Plus, their desire for structure will prevent them from being tempted to take any shortcuts in their research methods.

4. Professional Organizer

Many Capricorns live by the motto: ‘A place for everything and everything in its place’. Organizational skills are at the top of the list when it comes to Capricorn’s positive traits. Whether it’s event planning or home organization, Capricorns have all the skills needed to get things ship-shape. Their preference for routine and order means they will easily be able to identify improved ways to store things, plan events or utilize space. Some may decide to start as an apprentice to learn all of the necessary skills and gain experience on the job. This will allow them to quickly build up their potential client base while they improve their overall knowledge in the field. A similar alternative trade-based role that would suit Capricorn is plumbing.

6. Realtor

This would be the perfect career path for a Capricorn because they could put all of their efforts into marketing and selling a house. Afterward, they would reap the rewards with a big profit in a relatively short timescale. Their ability to multi-task would be useful in situations where several properties are being marketed at once. Capricorns’ rational thinking means they can consider multiple ways to approach problems or tasks they might face, before deciding on the best and most logical action to take.

7. Jeweler

A great eye for detail is needed to succeed as a jeweler. They must be able to concentrate on intricate details for long periods. Capricorns are well suited to this role thanks to their desire to create high-quality products and their preference for not cutting corners. Jewelers work with high-value items, making the trustworthy, honest and reliable Capricorn an ideal fit for this career path.

One of the key requirements for a legal secretary is the ability to demonstrate attention to detail; getting something wrong could have serious consequences in the legal world. Capricorn’s highly organized nature means they will find it easy to file and store printed and electronic information in a logical way. Legal professionals rely on secretaries to manage their diaries and carry out administrative tasks associated with their work. Capricorns will be keen to work hard to make themselves appear indispensable to the person they are working for. This busy role will enable Capricorns to use their initiative to choose the most effective and efficient ways of working. Since Capricorns are always keen to act with integrity, they will be a positive addition to a legal company striving to uphold a professional reputation in the industry.

9. Accountants

Capricorn’s detail-oriented nature makes accountancy a good career choice. Accountants must be highly organized to ensure that data, numbers and associated paperwork are kept up-to-date and stored safely and securely for easy access later. Their time-management must be top-notch as they will often find themselves working to tight deadlines. They must be motivated to keep themselves up to date with industry changes, legal issues and tax implications that might affect the business they are working for. Capricorn’s desire to learn more and move up the career ladder will be helpful here, as accountants must engage with professional development and education opportunities in the workplace.

10. Computer Programmer

This is a career that will allow Capricorns to take full responsibility for their workload and development. Before embarking on a programming career, Capricorns will need to have a specific goal in mind that they plan to work towards, as this will help them to identify which programming skills or languages they will need to learn and what path they should take. Organization and problem-solving abilities are imperative in this career, as well as the need to pay attention to the finer details. The patience of a Capricorn will also be a positive trait – coding is not always easy to learn or carry out, so computer programmers must be patient and resilient to be able to deal with this.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of your star sign, it’s likely that you will be able to succeed in any career path you decide to follow. Using your star sign to plan your career path is not necessarily going to be the most scientific method, but you might find it intriguing and fun to think about potential career paths from a slightly different angle. Plus, you may find it a useful way to start thinking about your personality traits and how these might help you to identify your future career direction.