Now with better technology and connectivity the world enjoys, rejects, and can bring some trending lifestyle trends. For example, a social media app or some chatting portal where gamers meet, some new makeup product, or a gadget with better connectivity and globalization people from different cities, countries, and content now enjoy many common lifestyle trends. From PUBG to some reels challenges we watch many of them on social media. 

1. Modern yet Vintage

Modern yet vintage is more about being convenient and comfortable with a vintage look. Modern yet vintage became a big lifestyle trend in 2020 and it will remain a lifestyle trend in 2021, whether it was about home décor or clothing. People are inclined towards vintage and glass material, for interiors making it a part of the trending lifestyle. Small decorations on dining tables to couch in living areas people chose modern comfort and vintage beauty rather than more geometrical designs. Taking about this lifestyle trend in the fashion world, many old vintage styles came on ramps and then to the streets. Clutches, accessories, old big-size hair clips, and whatnot!

2. Started Healthy Living

Ideas related to healthy lifestyles flooded on the internet and will remain a lifestyle trend in 2021.  In 2020 the world tried to adapt many good steps towards healthy living, just not in terms of diet but also to improve mental health. Mental health has become an important issue and awareness created for it made it one of the important lifestyle trends. The world found choosing more organic and healthy food habits over junk as a better lifestyle trend. Crowds on jogging paths increased more. Also, the best thing is more people came out to talk about mental health and its wellness. From sharing their stories of depression and ways of coming out to helping and accepting everything remain trending. Also read: 5 Keys to Living a More Fun Life

3. Became more Homely

Adapting and accepting home comfort became a trending lifestyle, pandemic played a big role in this. Where being at home and spending time with your family wasn’t our choice but with time we found it comforting and adapted to this trending lifestyle. In the first quarter where people were craving to go outside, travel and have fun by the end of it people became more homely, learned new things, work from home has a big part to play in this. The world got habitual of working on a couch, with a blanket rather than a desk, many companies decided to continue with the trend and converted many job profiles to work from home and these changes will be part of trending lifestyle of 2021.

4. Self Awareness was Much Needed

All the workaholics have finally received the reality check that there is a wonderful world beyond their workstations and their lifestyle has more than working like a bot from 10 to 9. This reality check will be an important part of the trending lifestyle in  2021.  I know covid has killed many jobs and many have been unemployed but on the other hand, it has given us a chance to see things from a new perspective and development faster and better than ever. Also read: Tips to Stop Lying to Yourself + My Experience

5. Education turned digital

After covid education has mostly gone online and being a student I have faced many problems but I can surely say that our education system going digital in the future will be a thing for Gen Z and it will be better as availability of course and study material is much better and now students can learn from the experts sitting in a foreign land. Digital education will surely be part of a trending lifestyle.

6. Minimalism is What we Love

Staying indoors has been an eye-opening experience for all of us. A lot of people have started evaluating the things they need as money is now not so generous with pay cuts and lost jobs and adopted this as a part of a trending lifestyle to live long. People are starting to change their spending habits and focusing more on things that add value to their lives rather than things that just sit in the cupboards and shelves for years. Less is more seems to be the motto of a lot of people right now. Owning something because you genuinely wanted it rather than buying just because it was on sale also adds another layer of this sentiment. People will continue to adapt to this trending lifestyle in 2021. Also read: 10 Habits of Stylish Women You Have To Adopt

7. Awareness About Indie Brands

As the pandemic has presented us with a situation that never existed before everyone is trying to help each other in different ways. A lot of the younger people are now shifting their attention from large well-known brands to small indie brands and local businesses. One thing that took huge attention was going vocal for local and adaption of this was a vast lifestyle trend.  Baba ka Dhaba being a classic example of how people are trying to support those around them. Small acts like buying earthen Diyas from your local seller will not only make your Diwali special but theirs too. And young adults especially are realizing their part in bettering someone’s life thus making them more proactive and aware of small businesses and brands around them is a good idea to continue as trending lifestyle of 2021

8. Pets Became Family

A lot of working people living alone have used this chance to get the furry friend they always wanted and adopting pets is one of the most lifestyle trends. Working from home has presented them with the opportunity to adopt pets as they can take better care of them. The biggest concern about leaving a new pet alone at home is now no longer an issue. And as companies have started giving work from home opportunities this will remain a trending lifestyle trend of 2021.  The pets can easily adapt to living in a new home till the situation becomes normal again. Also read: The Friendliest Pets to Have – Ranked!

9. Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

The pandemic in many ways shed a light on the damage that humans caused to the planet. We heard the news of streams clearing up, mountain ranges being visible from 100s of kilometers, the air pollution being reduced drastically, and a lot more. This led to people adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle preferring to choose things that will cause minimum damage to this beautiful world we live in. Using reusable products instead of one-timer is becoming a trending lifestyle of 2021 too. Some people are even switching their plastic toothbrushes to bamboo ones. One can say this is definitely a positive outcome of this horrible experience.

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