However, it would help if you kept in mind that specific certifications like the AWS DevOps cloud certification are more complicated than other certifications. However, this does not mean that you cannot ace the exam. You’ll need to go above and beyond to do well. Preparing for the exam requires effort and research, and we will help you with the best flow for studying and indeed acing the exam.

Ace The AWS Training and Certification Exam With These 7 Steps

Here is a detailed roadmap of how you should prepare for the AWS Certified Solution Architect certification exam regardless of experience, formal engineering training, or AWS knowledge.

1. Go through these study materials

You can also go through several more AWS certification training resources that you might find on the internet. Find practise test papers and try solving them within a time limit—research the question pattern and weightage of every topic.

2. Explore white papers

Just going through the books might not be enough to pass the exam in your first attempt. So, you will have to research much more resources. And AWS has recommended some white papers for solving this problem.  These white papers are official and have been written by the AWS team, independent analysts and AWS partners. To pass this exam, you will have to focus on a well-structured framework. These white papers will build high-understanding, efficient infrastructure and high performance. Here are the white papers on which you will have to focus:

Framework Security Operational Excellence Reliability Cost-optimization Performance Efficiency IoT High-Performance Computing Serverless Application

3. Go through specific AWS services 

Pay attention to specific domains like: 

4. Know the overview of AWS Storage Services 

You must know the difference between the kinds of storage to use and when to use them along with the AWS cloud storage categories like EFS, EBS, S3, Dynamo BS, and RDS. Also read: 200+ Trending Presentation Topics for Students

5. Take several practice exams

You can take several practice exams to test whether you are prepared to take the final exam or not. Practise exams are usually more challenging than the real exam, so if you pass the exam, you will score well in the actual exam. After going through all the white papers and books, you might be left with some gaps. When you solve the practice tests, you will be able to figure out the gaps that have been left out during your preparation, and you can fill them. You will also figure out the question pattern and try solving the test within the time limit to ace up your speed. Practise tests are one of the best ways to ace your pace and figure out the holes in your course. After completing the books and white papers try solving as many practise tests as possible.

6. Take several courses to fill the gaps

Taking several courses will help you to fill the gaps left for the cloud computing certification exam. The practice exams of the courses will help you to fill the gaps in your knowledge. Several online platforms and websites offer courses based on AWS. Like Koenig Solutions, IT experts provide one-on-one training in a virtual classroom with experts who’ve aced the AWS certification. This can be useful since to be the best, you must learn from the best.  It will help if you do not skip questions as this might leave gaps throughout your course. The practise exams will show you these shortcomings, and you can work to improve them.

7. Additional tips for AWS cloud developer exams 

In an AWS certification course, scenario-based questions begin with an enormous paragraph. So, read out the kicker first, which has the problem. Read the questions twice as most of the questions are usually tricky.  Read the problems more than once. Use the “Mark for Review” feature for the doubtful questions, and you might want to attend it later. Also read: Trending Presentation Topics for General Presentation


AWS Cloud Security exams might be difficult, but the certifications will ensure future success and enhance your résumé. Every AWS certification exam will validate your technical skills, increase your experience, and attract potential recruiters and increase your chances of getting recruited or promoted.

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