Luckily, today, for each and every type of safety that needs to be addressed there are technologies that can help. This guide is going to take at some of the most useful. Read on for a rundown of digital safety systems and features that promote all kinds of safety in the workplace.

1. Antivirus Software

In the vast majority of workplaces, antivirus software is a staple and has been for years. Recent events have served as all too clear warnings about what can happen when businesses fail to properly prepare themselves for cyberattacks. Lost money, breached data, and tarnished reputations are just some of the undesirable consequences when cybercriminals do threaten online safety.

2. Smart Locks

Smart locks are another form of technology that have become staples not only in many offices, but many homes as well. Smart locks prevent anyone who is not authorized to do so from getting into a workplace. This creates a more safe business by protecting against violent attacks, burglaries, disgruntled employees, and any other unwanted presence.

3. Wearable Technologies

There is a multitude of wearable technologies available today, each with varying purposes and benefits, many of which promote safety in the workplace. There are physiological monitoring devices, for example, which help to catch when employees are fatigued or sick, so that they can take precautions against endangering others around them. There are also environmental monitoring devices that can detect when air or temperature conditions are unsafe.

4. Visitor Management Software

Visitor management software is a very useful tool to have in an office that serves many functions. But did you know one of these is promoting safety in the workplace? By prescreening visitors and staggering appointments, it does its part to help stop the spread of diseases such as COVID-19.

5. Smart Office Technologies

You’ve heard of a smart home, but what about a smart office? Installing features such as smart fridges, smart thermostats, and virtual assistants can help improve the safety of an office in ways you may never have imagined. Smart thermostats prevent offices from getting too hot or cold, meanwhile smart fridges can alert employees when a food item is out of date so they don’t make themselves ill by eating it.

Digital Safety: The Future of Safety Today

As technologies continue to develop, our workplaces will continue to become safer places, in every way. Digital safety features can and should be utilized to their full advantage, to create a more comfortable work environment for everyone. If you’re looking for more tech talk, or safety tips and tricks, don’t forget to take a look at the rest of our content now.

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