As the world comes to terms with the situation, it is also faced with the digital shift that the world did not see happening overnight, but was necessary to help prevent the situation from getting worse. You as a doctor now have to ride with the tide, and go mobile. It is daunting—working on things like telemedicine, medical mobile app, medical website design. But it is necessary and we are here to help you. Look at our suggestions below on steps to becoming a mobile-ready doctor.

1. Join a telemedicine platform

Telemedicine platforms are often organized by different pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, or health organizations onboarding their different affiliate doctors. It’s services vary from online appointment setting, online consultation, issuance or digital prescriptions and health certificates, digital certificates, and many more. It helps save you from thinking of the complicated process of setting up a website or an app, but it also ensures that you get to connect with patients as soon as possible. Check in with your local hospital or organization if there is a platform you can join.

2. Use social media and SMS to cater to more parents

Social media can do wonders when used the right way. As a doctor, you can explore connecting with your patients via social media or other messaging platforms as a way to do virtual check-ups and consultations. A simple text can save a life. Use it as a way to remind your patients about their medications, appointments, and routines that need to be done on the dot. It makes the job easier for you by taking better care of your patients, and it shows them that you truly care about their health. Opening these lines not only ensures the timely receipt of medical advice especially in certain situations, but it can also help promote you and your clinic within the community. Read next: 10 Trending Medical Careers You Could Train in Today

3. Explore portable medical equipment

If you are considering going mobile, then you might want to explore portable medical technology that is handy when doing house calls. Not only are they easy to carry, but it is more time-efficient when getting an initial diagnosis as opposed to having to go to the hospital where the bigger machines are. Some portable medical devices you might want to invest in:

  Portable sound imaging device   Portable blood analyzers   Portable EKG   Smart glucose meter

4. Have your own websites

If you are not looking at joining other existing online medical platforms, then you can also explore putting up your own website for your own private practice. What’s good about this option is that you can manage it on your own, and there are no strings attached with other parties. You can also customize it according to the different services you are willing to provide digitally, and even have control on the other creative aspects of the website. As a doctor, immediate response is necessary especially given the COVID-19 situation. Get a start on your telemedicine practice. Reach out to a professional for medical websites design and development to get things started.  

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