Think about the topic that you are interested in and want to get more information about. This way, you accomplish two goals at once. You investigate the sources, get more expertise in the desired topic, and write an essay to present this information to your readers. Think of your audience. Your readers are a decisive factor not only for a topic but also for the tone of your paper, the most suitable evidence, and even language you might use in your paper. Think about their expectations towards your essay and make sure you fulfill them. Be narrow and specific. Many “great” essay topics sound like “Why should people protect the environment?” I doubt that you would be interested in reading them until the end. The common mistake is sticking to a too broad topic that has already been investigated inside and out. Narrow down and talk about something particular like “Plastic bottle recycling in the US: is it effective?”

However, you can always use an essay helper, if you feel that you lack the time or might need more assistance

Don’t be afraid to pick controversial topics

The biggest fear of many students is too argumentative. But it is an argumentative essay, so why be scared of it? However, it doesn’t mean being prejudiced or opinionated. Without controversies, your paper will look dull and basic. If you want to keep your audience engaged, stick to the topic that causes a reaction. Think about this assignment as about preparing a debate. If this topic covers at least two reasonable viewpoints that can be separated into opposing groups – it is an excellent choice.

Be original

Make your paper stand out. Think about issues you face in everyday life and that haven’t been investigated before. Even if you demonstrate excellent writing skills, the topic will be ordinary; you aren’t likely to receive a high grade.

Pay attention to your counterarguments

Every argumentative essay should include an opposing viewpoint. This demonstrates that you have analyzed the topic thoroughly and have taken into account all the viewpoints before presenting the outcome. Present the opposite viewpoint as if it were yours; this will show that you are objective and unprejudiced. In case you give only superficial arguments. Briefly, it seems that you don’t have enough evidence to disprove. Support these arguments from credible sources to give readers more insight into the analyzed issue. You can add your own arguments that refute opposing points, and a powerful final argument should be from your side and prove your position is the most proper.

Don’t be too picky

Of course, you should pay enough attention to selecting the most beneficial topic. Even if it doesn’t seem ideal for you, it doesn’t mean that it is not valid or unsuitable. Keep in mind that the topic should have two or more opposing points, and that’s enough for it to be suitable for such a paper. Procrastination and postponing the decision till the last night before the deadline isn’t going to bring any positive outcomes. Also read: Tips to make your Powerpoint Presentation look Professional

Over 90 Topic Ideas for Inspiration

To make your search even easier, we prepared a list of topics divided into different categories.

Good Topics

For Middle School

For high school

For College


Also read: Trending Presentation Topics for MBA Students



The Most Controversial Topics

Final thoughts

With the helpful tips and a wide range of topics above, creating an argumentative essay becomes a piece of cake. Simply ensure the chosen subject is original and interesting to you. If you are too afraid to fail this assignment or lack time to pay enough attention to it, our professionals are there for you. Also read: Trending Presentation Topics for General Presentation

We can help you with your argumentative essay

We hope that we provided enough useful tips in our guide and you found inspiration for your flawless topic in our topic list. However, if you feel that you lack the time or might need more assistance, you can always find professional assistance at EssayAssistant. We offer unique, custom-written papers for affordable prices. Make an order, and you will be surprised by the top quality of papers we deliver. Why worry about time-consuming assignments? Fill in an order form and relax while an experienced writer is tailoring assignments according to all your requirements.

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