For an engineering student, research and presentation become an integral part. Finding the best topics to research and presenting the same can bring new opportunities for you. Are you an Engineering student? Are you looking for awesome presentation ideas for your seminar? We have researched and summarized the internet’s best and latest topics for you. We have also explained each topic briefly. Here is the post of the interesting ideas for your topics: What is a quantum dot? A quantum dot is a very small semiconductor that transports electrons. But your main focus is how to make these small semiconductors. You can research about it and find pretty good stuff about it.   Its applications are 3D printing, medical imaging, milling and many more. It’s just like another motor converting electrical power into mechanical power but what is the difference between this and a simple motor is it is brush-less. You can go on talking about its uses in industry.   You know Jio is working on this. Tata companies already established one in foreign. You have learned its advantages but the only problem is that we have to change the existing systems and then implement this. So it will take little time but it is surely coming in the world in the future. So information can travel faster, you can watch your live streams in seconds. And will be cost-effective. Learn more about Optical Fiber   It’s is a device that basically limits the amount of electric current in the circuit. It does so by a series connection with a load. It’s simple but highly useful. It does this through the principle of electrical gas discharge. Okay, too much technicals. But it is a very good presentation and one of the good topics in general.      

  There are many types of Communication Network design- LAN, MAN, WAN, Wireless, Internet. So you can see that this is another broad area to cover. You cannot get to show practical demonstration except for algorithms and network diagrams. That is one disadvantage yet still this is one of the revolutionary inventions of this century. Its applications are in industries, surveillance, construction, and many more. It allows us to visualize the heat emitted. We can understand it’s very important in modern-day comparatively. It’s an interesting and really very good project to work on. Yes, Doctors make an artificial eye to replace our damaged eyes. It’s really jaw-dropping. People can’t seem to find much difference between an artificial eye and a normal one.   The art of sending information in form of packets. Packets are made of a header and a payload. Computer Nerds, you hearing me, right? You will like learning about this. Wait a minute, you may know about this. Even if you know or not, it’s a fascinating topic.   You guessed it right, aeronautical communication is all about sharing data between aircraft and control centers. This is a highly specialized division. Communications  such as aircraft-to-ground, aircraft-to-aircraft, and aircraft-to-satellite.   Energy meters or basically the meter present down at your house (if you are living in an apartment) can be manipulated. You read that. Now we think I wish I knew this before. But it’s illegal. I guess…How? By Electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). So this topic is how to evaluate your current properly.     It’s forming a network that is both cheap and efficient. What else we need. This is decent and I will not say very easy but it’s kinda simple. Simply Good. You will need to design a network for this. Reactive power reduces effective power in the transmission line that comes to your home. But still, it is needed to move active power. So research is about how much reactive power does a transmission line consumes. You can visualize data in the form of charts, diagrams, and basically an image. That is exactly what this is all about. Google chart is the best example of Big Data Visualization. There are a plethora of new ways being invented to this. So we connect the brain with an external device. The idea is old yet we do not have a proper working prototype yet. We are still far in human testing. But we are just one the trigger away from improving the speed in this technology. It is by far the most futuristic thing up till now. Google Home and Google On hub support Mesh Networking. To keep all the devices in connection at the server level. Mesh Radio is still not popular in our country but it is going to be in some years. Nuclei are hit at each with high speed particle guns. Such that they fuse and release energy. Capturing, Controlling, Distributing that power is Nuclear Fusion technology. Bipolar-CMOS is a semiconductor technology for constructing analog and digital logic circuits from both CMOS and Bipolar semiconductor technologies. Biomass is organic material made from plants and animals. Biomass is a renewable energy source because as we grow trees and crops, waste will always exist. Examples of biomass fuels are manure, crops, and some garbage. In contrast to object-oriented programming, Agent-oriented programming focuses on the construction of software. There are many research papers going on in this field. A system developed that could predict the coming of the natural disaster. This is highly important as countless lives and property can be saved. Especially in the eastern part of the world where it’s very dangerous. Developed by Google, needs no introduction. It revolutionized and gave a tough call to iOS. There are still many Android Developer jobs coming. Going for Android will make you understand your Android’s features more and more. Android and Smartphones are like two sides of a coin. But still, they can be totally new things in smartphones like how your Smartphone is becoming thin day by day. I still remember the old Blackberry and Nokia phone which we used to be amazed at. And suddenly in 2009, I saw my first Samsung smartphone. It was awesome as what caught most of our attention is the touch screen technology which and having no keyboard and stuff. New things to learn here. It’s the standardized Higher Layer protocol for a number of purposes. There are many research papers on this being made by students from different institutions. There is to lot to say about such protocols. It protects your power grid from faults to supply energy without breaking. Not true for all conditions. But it is still worth our attention looking into this knowledge. 3D is going to play a vital role in our day-to-day life soon. It’s going to be a movie experience on another level. We may sometimes forget about its vast advantages such as in the fields of architecture, security, manufacturing,etc. Compressed air Car- A car that can run not on any fuel, not on gasoline, but on air. Yes, AIR. Highly Pressurized air. It does not have a great design or even a normal design. Every now and then we have a new startup that comes and shows out their model. But we clearly see it’s in the phase of research. We have seen forensics use it, and we have also seen an average Joe use it sometimes for his company check-in. And pretty much your identification Aadhar card. Right? The main one. Using a Biological way to identify someone in a crowd. This is soon going to be implemented all around the world. Smart homes in many countries have successfully given a prototype and are being used. So that when an annoying friend comes home and waits for you, you will be informed about it even when you are outside. Sounds good to me. Well and to a lot of investors, as they keep pouring money into R&D (Research and Development) to continually add more features. Night vision goggles, which we have used only when we are playing smartphone games. Oh wait we don’t use it there too often. But you must know that almost any other CCTV security camera you bump into as night vision to track people. So it is useful for industries and in the security department. Register Transfer Level (RTL) debugging can help find errors but there was a need for the debugging to be automated when designs became complex. So there are techniques developed to do this very thing. Designs, Figures, Tables are some of the data you need to understand better. It’s a low-range radio technology. It’s like it’s still in the beta version. For any number of years, developers have tried again and again to develop such technology. We are getting closer and closer. Hope your presentation will be the icing on the cake. Like an animal magnetism. Magnetic Fields by organisms seems innovative but really weird. What could be the future of Bio- Magnetism, we don’t know. But scientists believe that such organisms can be the key for us to understand magnetic fields in a totally different way. You know about GPS and its applications. It looks simple to use but there is a great amount of engineering happening to bring such products. Engineers like you are mainly visionaries. This is another important topic that is very rare. Few people use these topics. If you wanna be among the few. Something can go wrong only for 1.4% of people. But it is effective and in use. A great yet microscopic presentation. What is animatronics? Whenever you go to any children’s theme park or any theme park. You will mostly see a puppet-like dinosaur that moves and produces sounds. It is like an automated machine. Disneyland uses these things all the time. This is another new topic. Built-In Breathing System-used in diving chambers and submarines. BIBS is how you efficiently built a system to breathe in emergency conditions. This is a project in which you will get to learn a lot of simple things in a new manner. You find a problem and you fix it. You know that. What if you are not a big fan of debugging? But still there are new methods being developed. You can compile all the new and latest methods. And you can present it. Probably solve a few and find a more efficient method in your presentation. You can give a try. You may have heard of it. It was published in the early 90s. They are a class of error-correcting codes. This is a project done by other students also. Not a special topic. But you can get content on the internet done by other people. You can get inspired and add your own version. It combines three fields in it- computers, biology and of course engineering. It’s really new. And developers believe it has the potential to revolutionize technology. Many people are researching this very topic. You can find their papers online and derive inspiration. Now you don’t have to type your password. You have to speak it. And it will access your computer. Kinda like Shivaji The Boss’s Laptop. This is a pretty neat presentation idea. Many countries have such technology. It is not widely popular in our country yet. The title says it all. There is little content about building a circuit for such a task. While most projects are looking into the future. You may think that being in the smartphone age why should we think of the telephone. Well, it may look simple. Yet it was remarkable technology which we also use in our own smartphones. This is BTech Seminar Topic which you may or may not have heard. This is pretty awesome in itself. Communicating via satellite. This technology is defining the way we communicate. Most of us use the internet. But there is research going on that is absolutely mind-blowing. How about doing some research on it. Who knows you will end up liking it. I highly recommend it.  And you can also see the best tips for an ms PowerPoint presentation to present your topic. 8 Tips to make your Powerpoint Presentation look Professional You have used data and Wi-Fi. But what is the future of it? Many are trying to understand what the future generation will do. Well, we are talking a lot about the future. We have to. You can read about graphene to start. Mobile is a computer. It is getting advanced every day. So what does the future hold for smartphones? We don’t know yet. Super smartphones, maybe? Well, smartphones came because of android. Yeah android, the same android developed by engineers like you. Who knows, you will be inspired to get that next idea. This is another topic that seems old and it is indeed. Papers were written about it in the 90s. And such phones were tested in the market too. You may think what is the use of it now. Well, our defense uses it. Our Army uses it for communication.  

74. Very-large-scale integration (VLSI)

Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) is the process of integrating, creating millions of transistors on a single microchip. VLSI technology came into the picture in the 1970s when advanced-level computer processor microchips were under development. It is helping corporations in reducing the circuit size, is cost-effective, and consumes lesser power. VLSI is a successor to large-scale integration (LSI), medium-scale integration (MSI), and small-scale integration (SSI) technology. 

75. DBMS

DBMS – In today’s digital world, data means everything, and due to the evolution of Database management systems, organizations are gathering, processing, and leveraging more from their work because they can process and leverage tons of data on hand effectively and without much fuss. Its applications are being used across multiple fields, from credit card transaction records to railways system management, Military, Telecom, and Banking. 

76. CMOS

CMOS stands for “Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.” One of the most popular technologies in the computer chip design industry is broadly used to form ICs or integrated circuits.  It makes use of both P and N channel semiconductor devices. This is the dominant semiconductor technology for microprocessors, microcontroller chips, memories like RAM, ROM, EEPROM application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).

Environmental Topics

So hope this will be helpful for your presentation.  This is a sub-article of the main one. You can check the primary article here: 200+ Trending Presentation Topics for Students

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